segunda-feira, dezembro 08, 2014

The Oil Strength in São João da Barra: Mayor celebrates tax entry in the municipality 's vault.

(Macaé is indeed seeing ships - Macaé fica a ver navios - LOL)

The mayor of São João da Barra celebrated with a thousand rockets - fireworks, friends - a few extra reais that entered the city’s vaults. 

In the past week , the ship " Key Light " a Panama flag vessel of 83,027 tons and 229 feet long, set sail from the Port Açu (São João da Barra) toward China, loaded with 83 tons of iron ore, valued at about R$ 15 million. 

By means of the fireworks, the city government 's vault got the amount of R$ 390 thousand reais in ISS (local taxes)

The news could auspiciously be happening in Macaé, if over the years the municipality's political class was not so unprepared in terms of public administration.

The huge sum that went into the Macae’s City Hall vaults in the last 20 years , would give the city a big bustling and moments of glory with full infrastructure . Only the payment of the royalties earned the city the sum of 17 billion reais. (WTF, 17 billion are not 17 reais – and the administration cries saying: “we got no money to invest in Culture, Education, Health and more…?”

The progress that the true Macaenses dream, unfortunately the narrow-mindedness of the naive leaders have failed to even make into reality. How sorry we are!

(Carlos de León)

Novos Crimes do Amor

Novos Crimes do Amor Nota do autor: Para escrever este conto, eu me baseei em crimes realizados no seio da comunidade brasileira...